Anti Viral & Bacterial Herbs for Flu Prevention
Fight Viruses and Bacteria
Although influenza and the common cold are caused by viruses, it's a good idea to prepare for the flu and cold season by using herbs that combat both viruses and bacteria. This will help to protect you not only against colds and the flu, but also against some of the bacterial infections --- such as pneumonia --- that sometimes arise as complications of these viral illnesses.
On his website,, Joseph Brasco, M.D., suggests a number of natural supplements to get your immune system in fighting form. Brasco recommends that you take probiotics to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. He also recommends whole food mushroom blend, cod liver and coconut oils, vitamin C and herbal formulas that combine two or more of the following: elderberry, garlic, ginger, goldenseal, horseradish and oregano.
10 Natural Defenders
An article on the Nutra Legacy recommends 10 herbal and natural substances that can help build your natural defenses against the flu and other seasonal illness. At the top of the list is zinc, which can be bought in either pill or lozenge form; astragalus root, available in health food stores as a capsule, dried root, extract or tea; garlic; vitamin C; and honey. Also included on the list are echinacea, ginseng root, ginger, elderberry and eucalyptus steam inhalation.
Other Defenses
The Path2HealthyLiving website lays out a program of lifestyle modifications and herbal fortification that it says should get your body ready to resist seasonal illnesses.
On the lifestyle side, get plenty of rest to avoid getting run down and thus more susceptible to infection. Drink plenty of water, and irrigate your nasal passages and sinuses regularly with a mixture of warm water and salt or baking soda.
Recommended supplements include a bit of astragalus extract mixed into water, juice or a smoothie; green tea; berries for the antioxidants they contain; and ginger.
More Suggestions
Garlic tops the list of antiviral herbs at, which points out that the herb not only helps ward off the flu but is useful in its treatment as well.
The website also recommends the following for preventing and/or treating influenza: goldenseal, St. John's wort and echinacea. To maximize your protection against the flu, take two or more of these herbs in combination.