Black Walnut for Mole Removal
Moles are usually round or oval in shape and can vary in size and color. Its very important to note that if a mole begins to grow in size suddenly, changes color or shape, that it should immediately be checked out by a doctor to make sure it isn't cancerous. Normal moles are perfectly symmetrical, consistent throughout in color, and have well-defined regular borders. Anything other than this could be an indication of skin cancer.
Black Walnut
Black walnut is a hardwood tree that grows in the United States, Canada and certain parts of Europe. The tree's nut hulls, inner bark, leaves and nut itself are often used in herbal remedies.
Black walnut is used as a natural remedy for conditions such as acne, eczema, hemorrhoids, ringworm, skin irritations, warts and moles and even aids in natural healing of wounds.
The hull is often the most useful part in clearing up skin conditions. Black walnut hull is available in tablets, capsules and tinctures. The tincture is widely promoted as the most beneficial way to get rid of moles. The tincture is usually made up of black walnut mixed with alcohol. A mixture including powdered bark from the tree can also be purchased. You can also benefit from using the juice from the walnut itself.
How to Use it For Moles
Make a few incisions in the outer shell of a black walnut and rub the juice directly on the mole. You may feel a temporary light stinging sensation or notice a darkening of the mole itself, but this is normal. Apply twice a day for several weeks. Mole will reduce in size until it is gone.
Purchase or make a homemade tincture. To make a homemade tincture, acquire several black walnuts when their hulls are green and place them into a quart jar. Pour rubbing alcohol into the jar over the walnuts, completely covering them. Place lid on jar and store in a cool, dark place for ten days. After ten days, remove lid and pour through a sieve over a large mixing bowl to remove the liquid. Press the now softened hulls to release all moisture. Discard the hulls. The liquid is now your tincture. Apply this tincture several times a day to mole with cotton swab for several weeks to remove mole.