Bach Flower Remedy for Migraine Headaches

Dr. Edward Bach was an English doctor who believed in the power of flowers and flower essences to help relieve common ailments such as anxiety, stress-related illnesses, headaches, irritability and chronic pain. Dr. Bach asserted that various states of emotion could trigger headaches and migraines, so he treated these emotions to avoid the illness. In the 1930s Dr. Bach created 38 remedies to deal with such issues, using parts of flowers and plants including chicory, clematis, aspen and beech.
  1. Preventing Stress

    • Dr. Bach held that emotional stress and states of anxiety could trigger migraines. He designed the gentian remedy to help soothe the emotional turmoil that, he thought, can trigger migraine headaches in those predisposed to them. Pine, oak, sweet chestnut and vervain are some of Bach's other anti-stress flower essences.

    Dealing with Anxiety

    • Treat anxiousness or fear of the unknown with the flower essences mimulus and aspen, and use elm if you feel under stress or overwhelmed by responsibility, discouragement or disappointment. Rock rose, red chestnut and white chestnut are also considered to help calm and soothe nerves, thereby reducing your chances of triggering a migraine.

    Calming Emotions

    • Use gentian to help relieve disappointment or anxiety over life's daily stresses. Bach created vervain essence to help deal with anxiety or stress. Cherry plum is used in Bach's system to help reduce sensations of panic or intense stress. It can provide a calming influence over your body, reducing jitters and high states of anxiety that may lead to a migraine attack.

    Using Bach's Flower Remedies

    • Purchase Bach flower remedies at your local natural vitamin or nutrition store. Remedies come in small vials with droppers. Place two to four drops of your chosen remedy on or under your tongue for quick absorption into your bloodstream. You can also place the drops in a glass of water and sip throughout the day.

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