Herbal Remedies Available at Local Stores for Hemorrhoids
Although there are a variety of treatments, herbal remedies are a popular alternative to over-the-counter medications.
Soothing Chamomile
Chamomile tea is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help reduce swelling associated with hemorrhoids. Try brewing a cup of chamomile tea and allow it to cool to room temperature, then apply it topically to external hemorrhoids. You can also drink some to soothe your digestive system and make bowel movements a little easier. You can buy chamomile tea at most grocery and health food stores.
Dry figs are a popular form of treatment for hemorrhoids because they can make passing bowel movements easier, relieving pressure on the rectal area. Soak four dry figs for six to eight hours, then consume them on an empty stomach. You can find dry figs at most health food stores. To boost treatment, add some lemon juice to the mixture, which is another cure that will also add a little flavor. Do this treatment again in the evening until hemorrhoids clear up.
Apply Some Witch Hazel
Witch hazel can be used topically to help soothe pain and itch associated with hemorrhoids as well. You can apply it to hemorrhoids three to four times a day until they have cleared up. You can also use witch hazel root as a suppository to treat internal hemorrhoids. You can find witch hazel in liquid or root form at most health food stores.
To help soften stools, thus alleviating pressure, try taking some dandelion root. You can either take it in tincture form or capsule form. Dandelion can be found at most vitamin or health food stores and should be taken as directed, along with some sort of topical treatment to relieve swelling and redness.
Horsetail for Bleeding
To help with bleeding internal hemorrhoids try drinking horsetail tea. The silicon content in horsetail can help heal tissues damaged by hemorrhoids, which in turn can help with bleeding. You can find horsetail in tea form at most health food stores.
If you your hemorrhoids don't clear up within two to three weeks, worsen or increase greatly in pain, see your doctor immediately.
If you are pregnant and treating hemorrhoids, talk to your doctor before taking any new medications, even herbal, as some may be detrimental to pregnancy.
You should always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before trying any new medication, to insure there are no risks based on your health.