Acia Berry Side Effects

Acai berry is everywhere: in newspapers, magazines, fliers in the mail, stores and on the Internet. A relatively new product to most parts of the world, this Amazonian fruit has gained a lot of fame owing to its many health benefits. However, there are some side effects associated with the use of acai berry and its supplements.
  1. Loss of Appetite

    • Acai berry is an appetite suppressant and will cause a loss of appetite when eaten as a fruit or in a dietary supplement. With prolonged consumption the condition may become serious, leading to other health conditions.

    Frequent Trips to the Restroom

    • Acai berry has cleansing properties which cleanse the body and bowel, resulting in frequent trips to the restroom.

    Allergic Reactions

    • People intolerant to berries should avoid acai berry, as their bodies could have an allergic reaction.


    • Acai berry supplements can contain caffeine, a substance know to cause addiction. Discontinuing use of acai berry may be difficult, producing withdrawal symptoms.

    Bowel Problems

    • Acai supplements may contain laxatives such as sagrada bark and senna leaf. Discontinuing use of the product may result in trouble passing bowels.

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