What Are Herbs That Lower Estrogen Levels?
Herbs that lower estrogen levels contain phytoestrogens, which are the natural estrogens from plants. According to mothernature.com, "A woman's cells have specific receptor sites that are prepared to accept estrogen, and when the phytoestrogens come by, they move into those sites, taking the place of the body's estrogens."
There are two types of phytoestrogens found in specific herbs--isoflavones, and coumestans. There is a third type of phytoestrogen known as lignans, however they are found in fruits and seeds instead of herbs.
Some isoflavones are natural protectors against cancer. Isoflavones include herbs such as licorice, kudzu, alfalfa, black cohosh and red clover.
According to theherbsplace.com, coumestans "support the body's efforts to balance estrogen levels by triggering estrogenic activity when estrogen levels are low and by competing for estrogen receptor binding sites when estrogen levels are high." Alfalfa and red clover are two coumestans.
A Reccomended Herb
Mothernature.com recommends 40 milligrams a day of black cohosh to lower estrogen levels.
Always talk to a physician first for advice in treating high levels of estrogen.