Yohimbe Safety
General Safety
Because yohimbe has the potential to cause severe side effects, yohimbe is only safe for use when taken under a health care professional, reports RxList.
Types of Side Effects
Side effects of yohimbe include nausea, vomiting, inability to sleep, anxiety, increased blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness and stomach upset.
Drug Interactions
Yohimbe increases the dangerous side effects associated with MAO inhibitor and tricyclic antidepressants, the opioid overdose medication naloxone, psychiatric theothiazine drugs and stimulants such as epinephrine and pseudoephedrine, explains RxList.
Yohimbe poses a risk for heart problems, which in some cases can be fatal, warns RxList. Some patients develop severe allergic reactions to yohimbe, causing shortness of breath, chest pain and skin rashes, according to the Physicians Desktop Reference.
Yohimbe is not safe for use by children or in women, especially those who are pregnant or nursing. If you have a history of schizophrenia, prostate problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, kidney or liver disease, high or low blood pressure, angina, heart disease, anxiety, depression or diabetes, it may not be safe for you to take yohimbe, warns RxList.