Bayer Aspirin Alternative
Pain Relievers
In recent years a number of different pain relievers have appeared in the over-the-counter market to compete with aspirin. The first and most notable is acetaminophen, commonly known by the brand name Tylenol, which has been a popular alternative since the 1950s. Like aspirin, acetaminophen is good for minor pain and reducing fevers, though it does not have the same anti-inflammatory effect. One reason for switching to acetaminophen was for children. An extremely rare but serious disease called Reye's syndrome was associated with giving aspirin to children with the flu or chicken pox, and better safe than sorry became the watchword. It's worth noting that other medications, including topical rubs that contain related compounds (such as methyl salicylate--oil of wintergreen) have also been tied to Reye's syndrome.
More recently a growing group of other medications have moved from the prescription-only to the over-the-counter world. Ibuprofen (Motrin and Advil) and naproxen sodium--marketed as Aleve--are the most common. Together they are classified as NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. By definition, aspirin is also an NSAID but it is not usually referred to that way. As the name implies, one big advantage of ibuprofen and its cousins is that, unlike acetaminophen, they reduce swelling and inflammation. That's why they are often recommended for arthritis and sprained muscles.
You can use white willow bark (salix alba) as substitutes for medications such as aspirin because its active ingredient, salicin, is the main chemical component of aspirin. For that reason, you should not use it if aspirin would not be recommended.
Dr. John Chen, a Ph.D. pharmacist, lists Corydalis (yan hu suo) as one of the strongest traditional Chinese herbs for relieving pain and reducing inflammation, comparing its effectiveness to morphine and codeine. It is good for both acute and chronic cases of inflammation, he says, and it protects against NSAID-induced stomach ulcers by reducing the secretion of acid. Pueraria root (ge gen), is recommended for headache pain.
Cinnamon is well known as a natural option for blood thinning. It contains a substantial amount of coumarin, a well-known anticoagulant.