How to Use Digestive Enzymes to Cure Excess Mucus
Consider taking bromelain. Bromelain is a digestive enzyme taken from raw pineapple which disintegrates protein. It reduces cough and nasal mucus from causes such as sinusitis. As an added benefit, it also has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Look for it online as it's sometimes hard to find in stores.
Take protease capsules. Protease is an enzyme that breaks down the peptide bonds of proteins, which are hard to digest. It prevents these proteins from traveling to unwanted places like the circulatory system and restores energy and balance.
Make yourself dairy-free meals as dairy can increase or aggravate the amount of mucus in your body. Take two capsules of bromelain or protease with each meal and a full glass of water. Each capsule should contain 500 milligrams of each enzyme.