Herbal Parasite Cure
Angelica root has often been used for the treatment of parasite infestations such as Trichonomas. It is also used to get rid of other worms within the digestive system. However, Angelica should not be used by diabetics or pregnant women because it can elevate your blood pressure.
Black Walnut
For intestinal worms, many people turn to black walnut hulls. These hulls contain juglone. Juglone is an antibacterial substance, as well as an herb that helps get rid of worms, fungi and viruses. Black walnut also helps with digestive tract health, working to expel any parasites within. Infants and children, however, should not be given black walnut.
Butternut is used mainly for parasites such as pinworms and threadworms. Taking butternut with other herbs can help relieve constipation and make it easier to pass any intestinal parasites you may have. Using butternut over long periods of time is not advised.
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is a laxative. An effective way to use this herb is to eat some pumpkin seeds first, then wait an hour and take the herb. The pumpkin seeds will paralyze the parasites, then the cascara sagrada flushes them out of your system.
Cloves are an antimicrobial herb. They are capable of killing the parasites you have and their eggs as well. Getting rid of the eggs is important to prevent a possible reinfestation. Cloves act as a germicide and soothe your digestive system.
Native Americans use pinkroot as a worm expulsion device when infested. In addition, it can help soothe symptoms such as fever that accompany a worm infestation. High doses may cause adverse effects, so when used with children, stick with a smaller dose.
Wormwood has long been used to fight infestations of parasites because of its speed and effectiveness. However, it is toxic taken singularly. You will need to mix wormwood with other herbs for use, and never give wormwood to children. Parasites are repelled by wormwood because of how bitter it is.