Horsetail for Hair Growth
Where it Grows
The herb grows widely in the temperate climatic areas of the northern hemisphere in Asia, Europe and North America. One horsetail variety that is similar to asparagus in looks matures in spring; another variety that has narrow green stems with a feathery tail look matures in summer.
The herb contains aluminum, potassium and manganese in addition to being a veritable storehouse of silicates and silicic acid, with around 2 percent to 3 percent silicon in the elemental state. It also has about 15 varieties of constituent flavonoids.
How it Helps
The silicon present in the herb helps strengthen tissues in your body. It is beneficial for cartilage and bone formation, making it an effective player in the process of nail and hair building and growth. The silica, which also helps keep your hair healthy and lustrous, is the main reason behind the effectiveness of horsetail for hair rejuvenation.
For effective use of horsetail to promote hair growth, you can take four tsp. of the herb in about one cup of water, boil for five minutes, steep for 15 minutes, strain and drink it about three times per day. You can also massage the herbal tincture into your scalp to trigger hair growth.
Regular intake of herbal horsetail, which contains the enzyme thiaminase, can lead to reduction of your body's vitamin B1 or thiamine content. This might lead to grave health issues such as beriberi.