What Is Gymnema Leaf?
Herbal practitioners believe that gymnema leaf contains substances that increase insulin levels and help regenerate cells in your pancreas as well as limit the amount of sugar and other substances absorbed by your stomach.
Herbal practitioners use gymnema leaf for the treatment of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, malaria, coughing and snake bites, according to RxList. In some cases, herbalists use the leaves for weight loss or as a laxative or diuretic.
A 2009 study at Holy Cross College in Tamil Nadu, India published in the journal "Phytomedicine" found that gymnema leaf was effective at lowering both blood sugar and levels of lipids or fats in the bloodstream of laboratory rats.
Some patients develop allergic reactions to gymnema leaf, causing shortness of breath, chest pain and skin rashes, warns the Physicians Desktop Reference. When taken with insulin or oral medications for diabetes like glimperide, gymnema leaf poses a risk for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels.
Because its effects upon fetal development are unknown, avoid using gymnema leaf if you are pregnant or nursing.