Herbs to Cleanse the Prostate
According to the American Cancer Society, lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that gives tomatoes their color, is beneficial for cleansing the prostate as an antioxidant. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals caused by oxidation in the body, one possible cause of cancer. Tomatoes have the highest concentration of lycopene, but lycopene also exists in watermelon and grapefruit.
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto has been used to treat the prostate for over a hundred years. One survey cited in the September 2000 online issue of "Consumer Reports" stated that those men who suffered from weak urine flow and frequent urination, both of which are associated with an enlarged prostate, experienced relief of their symptoms when taking saw palmetto. When purchasing saw palmetto buy a brand that has the letters "NF" on the bottle. NF is the seal for the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary. This helps to ensure that you get a supplement that has the proper potency and purity.
Pygeum Extract
Pygeum extract is made with the bark of an evergreen tree that is found in Africa. You can find pygeum extract in any health food store, or in the health food section of your grocery store. It contains phytosterols, which are anti-inflammatories and promote healthy prostate function. Keeping the prostate from becoming inflamed is one of the key ways to keeping it cleansed. An inflamed prostate makes it more difficult to urinate.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Extract
Pumpkin seed oil extract contains antioxidants which are beneficial in cleansing the prostate because they neutralize free radicals that are caused by the body performing oxidation---which in turn helps to prevent cancer. An additional benefit to pumpkin seed oil extract is that it helps to reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, which include difficulties urinating, painful urination and in some cases kidney and urinary infections.