Home Cures for Toe Nail Fungus
Shoes and Socks
One of the first things you will need to begin doing regularly if you want to get rid of that ugly toenail fungus, is to keep your feet clean and dry. That means washing them and thoroughly drying them before you put your socks and shoes on in the morning. One of the things that can cause toenail fungus is wearing shoes or socks that are too tight, so make sure your foot wear fits well. Another thing that you should do if you are trying to get rid of fungus on your toe nails, is to make sure you don't wear your shoes for extended periods. Change them and wash your feet, or just take them off periodically so that fungus doesn't have a chance to grow.
Diet plays a large role in getting rid of toenail fungus. Fungus is bacterial, so if you are trying to get rid of fungus, you will want to eat a diet that has more good, healthy, bacteria in it. Adding yogurt, kefir and other foods that have necessary bacteria for good health, as well as eating less of the simple carbs such as sugar, white flour and dairy, will help decrease the amount of bacteria that may be causing the fungus.
Toenail fungus can be treated with some things you may find in your kitchen or bathroom. Tea tree oil is can be used directly on the affected area. Apply it to the area, and rub it in. It will act as an anti fungal agent to the fungus.
You can use Listerine mouthwash to soak your toes in for about 20 minutes a day. Listerine is an antiseptic, and will kill the bacteria that is causing the fungus.
Apple cider vinegar combined with an equal amount of warm water is also a good soak for the toes. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes, and it will act to kill the fungus. Make sure you dry your feet well when done, maybe even using a hair dryer.
Oregano essential oil is a great anti fungal agent. Mix 2 drops with 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply to the affected toes every day, but not for more than three weeks at a time. Oregano oil is great to treat bacteria, fungus, parasites and for use as an antiseptic.