Natural Ways to Insure a Lower PSA Reading

Prostate specific antigen or PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland. A PSA reading is the result of a blood test intended to detect levels of PSA in the blood. Although a higher level of PSA doesn't necessarily mean cancer, a lower PSA is hoped for. High levels of PSA can also signify poor blood supply to the prostate and urinary retention. As a man gets older a higher level of PSA is expected.
  1. Significant

    • When cancer is present, PSA levels are high. However, a doctor will use a PSA reading to determine if there is a need for future test.

      Hormone therapy can give a false reading indicating low PSA levels. A PSA test should be taken several months after completion of hormone therapy to get an accurate reading.

    Diet Changes to Lower PSA

    • Reduce your animal fat intake. A risk of prostate cancer may be linked to a diet high in animal fat. A western diet, which is high in animal products, may contribute to the risk of prostate cancer as opposed to men in other cultures who eat little or no animal products and have lower rates of prostate cancer. Leaner meats, like chicken and fish, can replace beef as a way to wean off meat altogether.

      Replace meat with vegetables, whole grains and soy products. Season foods with herbs instead of salt and replace white sugar with maple syrup as a natural sweetener.

    Stress Relief & Weight Loss

    • Reducing stress is also effective in reducing PSA levels. Yoga and tai chi are two ways to reduce stress. Take up a hobby, like chess or drawing, as a way to relieve stress.

      Weight loss is essential in controlling PSA levels and is related to the foods you eat and the physical activity that you engage in. Add a 30- to 45-minute workout to your improved eating habits for at least three times a week. Walking, running and swimming are effective in weight loss and stress reduction.

    Herbs & Supplements

    • PC-SPEC is a herbal supplement that consists of eight Chinese herbs: chrysanthemum, isatis, licorice, lucid ganoderma , pseudoginseng, rabdosia rubescens, saw palmetto and scute. Individually, several of these herbs have reduced the PSA levels.

      Well known for its ability to reduce swelling in the prostate, saw palmetto can be taken as a supplement.

      Although still under debate for the side effects of taking licorice in large amounts, licorice taken in small doses can aid in reducing cholesterol and fat mass in the body. Low cholesterol levels mean lower PSA levels.

      Selenium, found in meats, nuts and seafood, can aid in lowering PSA levels. A nut high in selenium, Brazil nuts should be eaten in small amounts.

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