Digestive Tract Antifungal Remedy
Fungal infections like candida are often be diagnosed by the presence of symptoms alone. Some of these may include fatigue, migraines, weakness, dizziness, sensory disturbances, confusion, irritability, memory loss, inability to concentrate, depression, insomnia, hypoglycemia, muscle pain, respiratory problems, chemical sensitivities, diarrhea or constipation, rectal itching, inflammatory bowel disease, flatulence and food sensitivities. Since many of these symptoms also can be caused by other underlying diseases, you should get checked out by your physician first. Tests to confirm a candida diagnosis include checking for candida antibody levels in the blood, a fecal stool exam and/or measuring the pH of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine.
Causes of candida overgrowth include a bad diet, diabetes, oral contraceptives, steroids, antibiotics and compromised immune systems. With severe cases, your doctor may prescribe prescription oral antifungal drugs. In all other cases, staying on a strict diet for at least three months, then switching to a maintenance diet afterward should help clear up symptoms and prevent further outbreaks. However, if you revert to your old habits, the candida symptoms will quickly return. Note that after some people start with the antifungal diet and supplements, they may experience what is called a "die-off reaction" and feel worse for seven to 10 days before feeling better.
Foods to Eat
Maintain a diet high in natural foods, with lots of fresh raw or lightly-steamed vegetables, moderate amounts of lean protein, and very few simple sugars. Eat an 8-ounce serving of plain low-fat or fat-free yogurt daily to restore normal flora in the digestive tract, making sure to check the label for live active cultures. Also, add fats to your diet that have healing properties such as organic extra virgin coconut oil, ground flax meal, unprocessed nuts and seeds (except peanuts which contain mold), and unrefined olive, sesame, safflower and corn oils (but be sure to keep them in the refrigerator after opening to prevent spoiling). Beverages can include mineral or spring water, soy milk, and unprocessed nut milks.
Fruit can be eaten in limited quantities, no more than two servings daily, but avoid fruits with higher-sugar content like grapes, raisins, dates, prunes and figs; and all fruit juice (except unsweetened cranberry and lemon). Grains are also problematic, but if you find you can tolerate them without an increase in symptoms, aim for no more than 15 grams per meal of whole-grain oatmeal, corn, rice, and spelt. People with gluten intolerance will have to avoid all wheat, rye and barley.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid all processed foods as much as possible. All simple or refined carbohydrates should be eliminated, such as sugar (table sugar, honey, syrup, anything ending in "-ose"), and white bread, pasta, cookies or crackers. You also should stay away from fermented and yeasty foods like mushrooms, alcohol, aged cheese and pickled foods. Other beverages to avoid include carbonated drinks, coffee and anything with caffeine.
One of the most helpful things you can do to remedy a digestive fungal infection is to supplement with probiotic bacteria, which will inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function and increase resistance to infection. You also can find over-the-counter supplements containing friendly bacteria like bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides). Other supplements to consider include garlic, caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract, pau d'Arco and essential oils from various herbs, including clove, cayenne and especially oregano.
Other Tips
Walking daily, even as little as 20 minutes, can boost healthy body functions. If you're on birth-control pills, you might want to check with your doctor about an alternative contraceptive. Use chemical-free beauty, laundry and cleaning products as often as possible. Losing weight also can be quite helpful, but if you follow the above dietary guidelines, you'll probably find the weight coming off naturally.