How to Get the Best Results From Using Acai Berry
Things You'll Need
- Doctor supervision
- Acai berry juice
- Whole freeze-dried acai berries
- Acai berry supplement
Consult your doctor before beginning any supplement, diet or exercise regimen. Your doctor will be able to evaluate whether any program is right for you and may be able to tailor a regimen to your specific dietary needs.
Avoid acai products that have been dried using methods like spray drying or drum drying; the high heat can destroy acai's nutrients. Acai berries are extremely perishable and spoil within 24 hours of harvest, but their benefits can be preserved by freeze-drying them and then adding water to restore their original form.
Avoid products that blend acai with other products, such as sugar, juices or caffeine. The benefits of acai can be compromised with the addition of some ingredients.
Snack on acai berries or drink the juice for a light snack. Acai rots quickly, but you can still benefit by eating whole, freeze-dried acai berries or drinking acai juice. If you use acai in its purest form, you have the added pleasure of enjoying the fruit as Brazilians do. Berries are best when cooked in place of raisins, grapes or blueberries. Juice is easy to drink and tastes delicious but avoid smoothies, which add extra ingredients.
Take an acai supplement daily to ingest all the nutrients of the acai berry. Fresh berries lose all their healthy properties soon after harvest. Supplements are made before this happens, thus capturing all the benefits of acai. recommends Acai Balance and Acai Berry Detox, which have met with high standards on several criteria in consumer product reviews. Acai reviews are based on effectiveness, added ingredients, company reliability and product guarantees.
Use oil-based acai beauty products in your beauty routine to experience the benefits of acai oil's antioxidants on your skin. According, acai oil may be a safe alternative to other topical oils used in beauty products.