Herbal Medication for UTI
Herbal Treatments
Goldenseal root is an herb with antimicrobial properties that may help fight the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. Purchase dry goldenseal root and use 1 tsp. per cup of hot water as a tea. You can also purchase goldenseal root in capsule form or as a tincture. Take 1,000 mg of capsule form goldenseal root per day for a UTI or use one or 2 tsp. of tincture in warm water.
Uva ursi leaves contain Vitamin A, iron and magnesium. They function as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory to help soothe the pain from burning urination. Do not use uva ursi in children under 6 years old due to the herb's ability to irritate the urinary tract. You can make a tea from uva ursi leaves by mixing 2 tsp. of dried, crushed leaves per cup of hot water.
You can use other herbs as teas to help soothe pain and help heal the urinary tract. Always consult with your doctor or a holistic health professional before mixing herbs. Corn silk and buchu are soothing herbs with diuretic properties to increase urination and help flush bacteria out of the urinary tract. Marshmallow root can help soothe pain and burning when you soak it in cold water and strain it to drink as a chilled tea. Try echinacea or nettle teas in combination with uva ursi for maximum benefits.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day while using herbs to treat a UTI to help flush out your system. Although not technically an herb, cranberry juice helps prevent bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract lining. Cranberry also helps acidify the urine, which provides a natural defense against bacteria. If you cannot drink large amounts of cranberry juice due to the sugar content, consider cranberry pills. Most herbal remedies should only be used for a few days to a week at a time. Consult with your doctor if your infection does not clear up after the use of herbal medications. Some urinary tract infections can worsen or move on to infect the kidneys, leading to serious complications.
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