How to Get Natural Shingles Relief
Things You'll Need
- Dried lemon balm
- Powdered cayenne pepper
- Skin lotion
- Licorice root
- Clean cloth (Optional)
- Pears
- Pear juice
- Lysine tablets
Make a cup of lemon balm tea to treat shingles pain. Combine 1 teaspoon of dried lemon balm with one cup hot water and allow the mixture to steep for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid and consume immediately for shingles pain relief.
Add powdered cayenne pepper to a small amount of skin lotion until it turns pink in color. Apply the mixture to a small portion of skin to ensure no irritation occurs. Rub the lotion into the afflicted area for fast shingles relief.
Add 2 sticks of licorice root to 1 cup of hot water and steep for 15 minutes. Strain the sticks out of the tea prior to drinking. Apply topically by soaking a clean cloth in the tea and placing directly onto the inflamed skin for shingles relief. You may also drink the tea to expedite healing.
Consume plenty of pears for relief from shingles pain. Pears are rich in caffeic acid, which is a commonly used as a natural antiviral treatment. Eat at least 2 pears a day and drink several glasses of pear juice for maximum shingles relief.
Take two 500 milligram tablets of lysine four times a day for shingles relief. Lysine is an anti-viral amino acid effective at treating shingles. Continue taking daily until pain and other symptoms subside.