How to Improve Kidney Function With Alternative Treatments
Things You'll Need
- Kidney herbs such as uva ursi, horsetail, couch grass, corn silk, parsley or nettle.
Drink more fluids. The body requires at least 64 ounces of fluids each day, reports the American Dietetic Association in its article "Water, Water Everywhere -- How Much Should You Drink?" The water helps to flush out the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract by creating more urine. The water cleans out the blood and the kidneys. Drink water, fruit juices and vegetables juices to get the required water content.
Take herbs. Many herbal remedies help to strengthen or cleanse the kidneys. In the article "6 Herbs for Kidney Cleanse" on the Vitamins to Health website, the recommended herbs are uva ursi, horsetail, couch grass, corn silk, parsley and nettle. These are mostly diuretic herbs that cause the body to produce more urine. It is probably a good idea to see an herbalist for advice on which herb to take and how much to take. Herbs, though natural, are still drugs and need to be taken with caution.
Go on a fast. A fast is one way to internally cleanse the entire body, not just the kidneys. Many alternative healers feel that a fast is an excellent way to allow the body to focus on self-cleansing. Instead of using energy for the complicated process of digesting food, the energy is used to repair and cleanse the body. On the website Pure Inside Out, the article "Fasting for Detox" by Patricia Braggs suggests a fast of just one to three days. If a longer fast is desired, it should be done with a doctor's supervision. During the brief fast, eat no food but drink plenty of fluids.
Exercise regularly. Exercise helps to clean out the kidneys by removing toxins from the body. Exercise burns fat where most toxins are stored. By staying physically active, you help the body to burn fat. During aerobic exercise, you also build up a sweat and toxic substances are released from the pores. Exercise also increases intestinal activity, reports the Mayo Clinic in its article "Constipation." By improving muscular activity in the colon, there is more frequent elimination. By cleaning out the colon, you also help to cleanse the kidneys. Braggs also states that to detoxify or cleanse the body, you must keep the kidneys, colon, skin and liver clean. Exercise is a natural way to remove toxins from all areas of the body so the kidneys have less work to do and can function more effectively.