Herbal Cure for Bird Flu
Echinacea is a traditional herb for the treatment of colds and flu. Take 300 mg of the dried root powder three times a day to relieve flu symptoms. The result of double-blind studies in Germany reveals flu symptoms to clear faster with the use of echinacea since its major function is to stimulate the immune system.
Take eldeberry in medication form or by making a tea out of 1 to 2 tsp. of dried elderberry flowers steeped in 1 cup of boiling water and drink three times daily. Elderberry contains two compounds that counteract the effects of the flu virus and keep it from affecting the cells in the respiratory tract. Sambucol is a patented flu drug from Israel that contains elderberry. In a trial, 20 percent of flu patients had significantly reduced symptoms 24 hours after using Sambucol, 73 percent were even better after the second day, and after three days, 90 percent reported no further flu symptoms.
Astragalus is a Chinese herb known for enhancing immunity and strengthening resistance to disease. Take a 500 mg capsule of astragalus four times a day until the symptoms are gone. The herb also increases stem cells in the bone marrow and helps their growth into active immune cells. Astragalus is also known to boost interferon levels, which are one of the body's main defenses against viruses.
Asian ginseng is also called eleuthero. Given its immunity enhancing qualities, take it as a treatment for flu and related symptoms.
Forsythia and Honeysuckle
Forsythia and honeysuckle have been used in Chinese medicine for treating flu viruses and colds due to their antiviral properties. At the first signs of flu, mix forsythia and honeysuckle in lemon balm tea and take it at night.
Mullein is known for its throat-soothing and expectorant qualities as well as for compounds that inhibit the growth of the flu virus. Make a tea with mullein flowers or leaves and take it at the start of flu symptoms.