Apple Cider Gastric Reflux Treatment
Gastric reflux happens when acid and other fluids from the stomach are sent back up into the esophagus. Symptoms of gastric reflux are most commonly heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion. If you have any of these symptoms on a regular, weekly basis, you may have gastric reflux. See your doctor for proper diagnosis.
Natural Treatment
While gastric reflux can be treated with a variety of medications, some people prefer to treat symptoms naturally. One popular form of all-natural treatment is the apple cider vinegar treatment. Apple cider vinegar is said to help correct the pH level in your stomach, bringing it back to a much milder pH level. It is also believed that it may increase acid production, which will help your stomach digest food quicker. In slowed digestion, gastric reflux has greater chance to occur.
Administering Treatment
If you opt to try the apple cider vinegar treatment, make sure you are using pure apple cider vinegar, which you can find at most grocery stores or health food stores. Mix 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. Take this concoction three times a day. Remember that natural remedies may take longer than traditional medicines to take effect, so give it two to three weeks.
Other Steps to Take
Along with the apple cider vinegar three times a day, you may want to take other steps to increase the chance for success of this treatment. Avoid fried or greasy foods, which can be hard to digest. Also avoid acidic foods such as citrus fruits and onions, and don't use caffeine and alcohol, which damage the lining of your stomach. If you smoke, quit or at least cut back drastically.
Tips and Warnings
To add flavor, try a tsp. or two of honey with your apple cider vinegar concoction. For immediate relief of gastric reflux, while still taking your daily doses of apple cider vinegar, try drinking a few tsps. of baking soda in a glass of water or sipping on a calming herbal tea.
If symptoms worsen or do not improve after a few weeks of treatment, discontinue and see your doctor for other options of treatment. Remember to see your doctor if you think you may have gastric reflux, you'll need proper diagnosis, as it may be the sign of another serious ailment.