About Tongkat Ali
Classification and Origin
The scientific name for Tongkat Ali is Eurycoma longifolia. It belongs to the Simaroubaceae family. Tongkat Ali is native to Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Indonesia.
Tongkat Ali is an evergreen tree that grows up to 49 feet tall and produces fruit that ripens from green to red. The leaves of the Tongkat Ali are pinnate leaves (a type of compound leaf that has leaflets on both sides of a central stem) that have 13 to 41 leaflets. There are two types of Tongkat Ali flowers: male and female. Each species is produced separately on a tree. These flowers grow on panicles, which are a kind of raceme (a part of a stem that contains flowers).
Within these systems, Tongkat Ali is thought to contain antimalarial, cytotoxic, antipyretic and anti-ulcer abilities. It is also considered to be an aphrodisiac.
The bark and root are the parts of the Tongkat Ali that are used in traditional medicinal systems, commonly in the form of a topical or a decoction.
Though Tongkat Ali hasn't been proven to be toxic in humans, it is recommended that breastfeeding or pregnant women not use it.