How to Use Asian Dried Ginseng Root
Things You'll Need
- Small or medium ginseng root
- Sauce pan
- Water
- Honey (optional)
- Tea (optional)
- Herbal tea (optional)
Place one large or several small ginseng roots in a sauce pan. The number of roots will depend on the size and your taste. The more roots you place in the pan, the stronger the ginseng flavor.
Cover the the pan and place it on the stove and turn the heat on high. Once the water boils, turn the temperature down to low.
Simmer the ginseng for between one and two hours, depending on the size of the roots. Larger roots will take longer to soften. Add water that is lost through evaporation to maintain the water level in the pot.
Remove the pan from the heat. Allow it to stand for another 30 minutes to ensure that the ginseng has softened.
Add honey, if desired. Ginseng can seem bitter to many palates, and honey can make it more palatable. However, many people prefer no sweetener in the ginseng tea.
Pour the ginseng into a cup. Add a small root or cut a piece off of the larger root and place it in the cup. Place any unconsumed portions of the ginseng and tea in the refrigerator. You can microwave the ginseng tea to warm it up.