How to Make an Herb Press Tincture
Things You'll Need
- 200 grams dried herbs
- 1 liter vodka
- 3 1-liter canning jars
- 2 paper bags
- Herb Press
- Labels
- Marker
Grind the herbs into a fine powder using a coffee grinder. Those who prefer a more natural approach can use a mortar and pestle.
Divide the powder and vodka equally between the two canning jars. Any brand of vodka will work. Seal the jars tightly with their lids.
Place the jars in the paper bags to protect the tincture from light.
Shake the jars vigorously once each day for a month.
Place the herbs in the herb press and put the extraction hose into the third canning jar. An herb press is a compression machine that applies pressure to extract the greatest amount of liquid. Herb presses can be purchased online (see Resources). Apply pressure to the herbs with the press. Pressing is complete when no more liquid is depositing into the jar.
Tightly seal and label the tincture with the date it was finished and its ingredients.