Natural Sinus Remedies for Children
If your child develops sinus congestion, run a hot shower and fill the bathroom up with steam, then sit with her in the steamy room. Breathing in steam is a fast and easy way to help thin and clear the mucus in her stuffy nose, easing discomfort. Be sure to monitor your child carefully. You do not want her to get too close to scalding hot shower water. Keep your child in the steam for about 10 minutes.
Hot Soup
Make your child some hot chicken soup. Put the soup into a cup and have him drink it slowly. The hot steam from the soup will help unclog your child's nose. Once he is breathing more freely he can have some relief of sinus pressure and discomfort. This will work just as well with any other type of hot liquid, such as tea or broth. Help your child as he drinks to ensure he does not burn his mouth or tongue while drinking the liquid.
Saline Drops
Saline drops work well on a child's stuffy nose and sinus congestion; a few drops will help soothe her inflamed nasal passages. Saline drops combine salt and water in a mixture that is gentle enough for your child's sensitive sinuses. The drops will help thin the mucus in the nose, allowing it to drain and giving your child some relief. Be sure to buy plain saline nasal drops, not drops with added cold medications. Apply a few drops to each nostril 2 or 3 times a day. Saline drops are gentle enough for infants and toddlers.