Natural Treatment for High Eye Pressure
Also known as a huckleberry, this relative of the blueberry is rich in luteins, tannins and bioflavinoids, which help preserve eyesight and prevent ocular damage. Consume fresh or frozen bilberries, bilberry extract or bilberry supplements to lower eye pressure
This ubiquitous weed contains antioxidants, which serve to shield eyes from harmful toxins. Available in supplements, chickweed, which has a taste similar to spinach, can also be eaten raw in salads or cooked, though cooking chickweed will reduce its beneficial nutrients.
Coleus Forskohlii
Coleus forskohlii contains forskolin. Used as an ingredient in eye drops, forskolin has been successful in lowering eye pressure. Eye drops containing forskolin are not recommended for those suffering from prostate cancer.
Fennel can help relieve pain and inflammation resulting from high eye pressure. To apply, brew fennel into a tea, let cool, apply to a cloth and drape this cloth over closed eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.
Camu-Camu, a fruit grown in South America, has one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C, which may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the eyes. Camu-Camu is also available in powder supplements.