Will Lemon Ginger Tea Help Induce Labor?
Teas That Induce Labor
Herbal teas have been suggested for pregnant women by midwives and herbal nutritionists for inducing labor since the 1300s. Herbalists also believe that herbs are often healthier and cheaper than prescription drugs.
If you're pregnant and considering taking a form of tea for inducing labor, the most popular tea used is the red raspberry leaf tea. However, there is little evidence to suggest that raspberry tea can help to induce labor. According to Linda Herrick, R.N., co-director and founder of the Academy of Certified Birth Educators, the tea only helps with an effective labor by relaxing your uterus and inducing contractions, not by inducing labor, although Aviva Jill Romm, midwife, herbalist and president of the American Herbalists Guild says that it can, and using herbs in pregnancy can be a very safe alternative to over-the-counter products. The certified herbalist also states the tea is very rich in iron, calcium, vitamin E and one of the best teas for a woman who is pregnant to drink.
Cumin tea is another method for inducing labor. The tea was traditionally used by midwives of the Latino society. You can prepare the tea by adding a raw cube of potato to the tea to absorb the bitterness of the cumin. You can also add sugar or honey for a sweet taste. Herbalists and midwives also believe mixing primrose oil and partridgeberry into a drinkable tea form will induce labor. However, the only conventional labor inducing remedy that has been shown to work is acupressure. This method is administered by pressing specific spots on your skin to enable your body to start the process of labor. This is generally used if your pregnancy is overdue.
It is important to note that herbal teas are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and there are no studies to show that the use of herbal remedies are safe for inducing your labor, and only a few of the herbs used for teas have been studied in pregnant women. If you must be induced for a medical reason or wish to use alternative induction methods, you should consult with your physician, midwife, or herbalist, or a knowledgeable acupuncturist or aroma therapist before you think of using any type of natural herbal teas.