What Herbs Can Help Shrink the Prostate?
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is the most popular herb for prostate health. The recommended dose for an enlarged prostate is 320 mg of the standardized extract per day.
Nettle Root
Nettle root, or stinging nettle, is another popular herb used to deal with prostate problems. The recommended daily dosage is 120 mg of the concentrated extract.
Pygeum is another herb that may be beneficial for treating an enlarged prostate. The recommended dose is 100 to 200 mg of the standardized extract twice per day.
Pumpkin Seed
Pumpkin seed has become popular to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate. The recommended dose is 160 mg three times per day.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs also have been used to treat prostate problems. Among these are vacarria and plantago seed.