Carpal Tunnel Treatment With Zymmosine
Carpal tunnel is caused when the median nerve which is located in the wrist, experiences strain or pressure. This can lead to swelling and inflammation.
Zymosine has been clinically tested against many common anti-inflammatory brands, such as Advil, Motrin, and Vioxx, and shown that it does well to reduce swelling and pain.
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome ranges from putting on a brace to cortisone injections. The usage of anti-inflammatory medications has been known to aide and relieve much of the pain.
Zymosine reduces swelling or flaring in the wrists and around the median nerve. It is comparable to other medications prescribed for this, including other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Zymosine has not reported to have any major side effects, but you should not take Zymosine if you are allergic to pineapples.
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