How to Make a Ginseng Tincture
Things You'll Need
- Dried ginseng root (about an ounce)
- Alcohol (vodka or rum)
- Pint-sized glass jar
- Cheesecloth
- Colored glass jar with a lid
- Funnel
How to Make a Ginseng Tincture
Gather 1 oz. of dried ginseng root, or enough to fill a pint-sized glass container 1/3 full with the herb. Chop into pieces and place into the jar.
Fill the jar to the top with rum or vodka. Susan Weed advises using 100-proof alcohol. She states that lower-proof alcohols don't work as well and higher-proof alcohols can cause damage to liver and kidneys.
Cover the jar and allow to steep for six weeks.
Strain the herb out of the alcohol through a cheesecloth or paper filter. Discard used herb.
Using the funnel, pour the strained tincture into a dark-colored bottle. Label bottle with type of tincture and the date, and store the tincture tightly closed in a cool, dark place.