The Best Plant Extracts for Sinus Infections
Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that reduces inflammation and swelling and helps relieve symptoms.
Quercetin is a flavonoid that is found in fruits and vegetables. Used in combination with bromelain, it serves as an antihistamine. Taking this supplement increases bleeding risks; talk to your doctor if you have high blood pressure or are taking blood thinning medications.
This plant helps fight bacteria and relieves congestion. A combination of eucalyptus, citrus and pine extract may relieve symptoms.
Olive Leaf Extract
Consume olive leaf extract to help fight infection and bacteria.
Derivatives of this plant are used to treat headaches associated with sinus infections.
How Much to Take
Talk to your doctor before taking any of the aforementioned supplements. She will help you make an informed decision about dosage and what combination will work best for your symptoms.