Chinese Herbs and Enzymes for Liver Cleansing
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a well-known cleansing herb commonly found in liver cleansing kits. It has protective properties and works by preventing toxins from entering the liver. It's known for relieving congestion in the liver. The main ingredient in milk thistle that works to cleanse the liver is Silymarin, which is a bioflavanoid that is packed full of antioxidants, which help to stop free radicals from damaging the body. It also helps to regenerate the liver cells while protecting the human body from pollutants and radiation.
Artichoke Extract
Artichoke extract aids in digestion and heals the liver. Additionally, it increases bile flow, which both aids in the digestion and helps with the detoxification process. Artichoke extract reduces LDL cholesterol from oxidation and helps to rejuvenate the liver in the process.
Rosemary and Dandelion
Rosemary increases liver enzymes by as much as 450 percent, which helps to fight off cancer cells, while promoting healthy cells. Rosemary also keeps carcinogenic chemicals from penetrating the liver cells. Rosemary will definitely enhance the liver cleansing program and should be part of any good liver cleanse.
Labeled as one of the top liver cleansing herbs, dandelion is used to a variety of liver disorders. In addition to reducing inflammation naturally of both the gallbladder and the liver, dandelion root stimulates bile flow, which naturally aids in better digestion. Finally, dandelion is a good source of iron, silicon, magnesium, zinc and potassium, which are all good for the liver.
Chinese Gentian
Chinese Gentian is a bitter herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine. The roots of the plant are dried in the sun naturally and trimmed down for use. The main functions of Chinese Gentian are for the liver, gall bladder and the stomach.
Chinese Gentian is available in tablet form. Take between three to nine grams of Chinese Gentian a day.
Dong quai root
Dong quai is very similar to celery. Dong quai is used for many different ailments for both men and women, but it also helps boost the immune system and is often used to purify the bloodstreams of toxins and to stimulate circulation. It is also very rich in iron and is useful in lowering blood pressure.
Dong quai is either crushed into a powder or taken in supplement or pill form. Take between one and four grams a day, spreading the dosage throughout the day. Dong quai is not recommended for pregnant women or women who are nursing.