How to Make a Dandelion Tincture
Things You'll Need
- Shovel
- Dandelions
- Knife
- Mason or glass jars
- Distilled water
- 100-proof vodka
Collect Dandelions
Collect the dandelions. Find plants that have not been touched by pesticides or herbicides, which can be found along the edges of farm fields. Fresh plants can contain more useful elements than dried plants, but in a pinch good-quality dried dandelion may be substituted.
Use a shovel to dig around the roots. Collect the entire plant in a wheelbarrow for easy transportation. It is best to collect more than you think you'll need because when you are preparing the tincture, the plant does wilt down a bit.
Clean the plants. Take the dandelions and gently shake off the dirt, then use clean water wash the roots and leaves.
Make the Tincture
Slice the roots thinly.
Fill a quarter to two-thirds of a Mason jar (or other glass jar with a secure top) with dandelion root and cover with distilled water. Then fill the rest of the jar with 100-proof vodka. Seal the jar tightly.
Set the jar in a warm area. The sun will not harm the tincture. About once a week, shake the jar to help distill the dandelion root into the tincture. The tincture will be ready after about four to six weeks.