What Are the Benefits of Goat Weed With Maca?
Legend has it that horny goat weed (epimedium) was discovered by a goat herder who noticed an increase in sexual activity of his herd after they ate the flowering plants. Maca has been cultivated in South America for over 2000 years.
Traditional Uses
Horny goat weed has long been used by the Chinese for ailments involving the kidneys, joints, liver, back and knees. The Incas believed maca could impart energy and endurance.
Aphrodisiac Properties
A study published in the 2002 issue of Andrologica showed that maca improved sexual desire. Reuters News reported that a study done by Italian researcher Mario Dell'Agli showed horny goat weed may improve sexual function in impotent men.
Other Health Benefits
In a study published in Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology, maca was shown to be effective in reducing the size of the prostate gland in rats. It is theorized that it may have the same effect in humans. A Peruvian study by researcher Dr. Gustavo Gonzales showed maca's ability to increase fertility.
In large amounts, maca can cause goiter in people who don't consume enough iodine. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved horny goat weed or maca as safe or effective in accomplishing their asserted claims.