How to Extract Clove Oil

Clove oil is commonly used in conjunction with other herbal remedies, but when used by itself can offer antiseptic, anesthetic and preservative properties, helping with ailments related to the kidneys, spleen and stomach. Commercial clove oil extract is made using the "steam distillation method," which is complex and requires chemistry knowledge and specialized equipment. Commercially manufactured clove oil is very potent and should be used with caution. Too much could have a detrimental or hazardous effect on your health. As a household remedy, however, you can use clove oil for toothaches, sore throats and colds. If you've ever wanted to make your own clove oil at home, this is an easy method to do so.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 Pint of olive oil
  • 4 to 8 cloves
  • 2 Sterilized glass wide-mouth jars
  • Cheesecloth
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    • 1

      Pour approximately one pint of olive oil into the sterilized jar. Add four crushed, fresh cloves to the oil. Place the lid on the jar and let sit for seven to 10 days.

    • 2

      Strain the oil mixture through cheesecloth and transfer it to a fresh sterilized jar.

    • 3

      Add two to four more crushed cloves and close the lid on the jar. Let the mixture sit for another five to seven days.

    • 4

      Add more olive oil if you let the mixture sit for more than four weeks. Strain the oil through cheesecloth again before using it.

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