When Should Men Take Supplements for Prostate Health?
When Should Men Start Being Proactive about Prostate Health?
Prostate concerns typically do not begin to plague men under 65 years of age, so as a general rule most men do not need to have preventive prostate tests or screenings done until around age 50. By this age, over half of men have enlarged prostrates and never realize it, since symptoms may not be apparent. The American Urological Association advises African American men and those with a direct relative who suffers from prostate issues to begin yearly screenings and tests by the age of 40.
How Else Can Men Be Proactive about Prostate Health?
Several dietary supplements are useful in both the treatment and prevention of prostate concerns. According to Dr. James Balch, a urologist and author of the book "Prescription for Cooking and Dietary Wellness," writes, "If a man wants to stay out of the operating room and avoid cancer of the prostate, he needs to go full blast in avoiding the high-fat junk foods and environmental toxins that contribute to prostate problems, and to start a wise nutritional program that includes the basic supplements that affect the prostate."
Supplements that have been shown to contribute to improved prostate health include essential fatty acids, saw palmetto and pygeum. Following a high-fiber, low-fat diet that includes flaxseed oil, plenty of water and a daily multivitamin at the onset of early middle age, if not before, can also greatly improve a man's ability to ward off or battle prostate issues that may prove serious later in life.
If you're a man and at least 40 years old, talk to your doctor about what possible lifestyle changes and supplements might work best for you in order to be proactive about prostate care.