Herbal Treatment for Ringing in the Ears
Talk to a trained herbalist or naturopathic doctor before starting an herbal treatment for tinnitus, and be sure to check herbs for side effects and contraindications that could affect you. A trained herbalist will choose herbs for tinnitus that fit your specific symptoms.
Herbalists working from different traditions may have different suggestions. For example, according to a study conducted at the Chinese PLA General Hospital in Beijing, a Chinese herbal treatment called Gushenshuerfang was shown to cure tinnitus when it was caused by salicylates. This Chinese herbal treatment for tinnitus is difficult to find, but a Chinese herbalist may be able to mix it for you.
An Ayurvedic physician might recommend an herbal treatment for tinnitus called yogaraj guggulu, which is a combination of triphala, chitrak and vidanga. Yogaraj guggulu is said to be calming to the nerves and is recommended in Ayurvedic treatment of a variety of hearing disorders.
Other herbal treatments for tinnitus include calendula, ginko biloba, horsetail, mistletoe and passion flower extract. Homeopathic herbal treatments for tinnitus are causticum, conium and tabacum. Causticum is recommended for people with constant tinnitus accompanied by vertigo, while conium is recommended for those with tinnitus that causes sensitive hearing and pain in the ears.
Like many herbal treatments, herbs for tinnitus have not been thoroughly tested and are supported mostly by anecdotal, rather than scientific, evidence. Scientific studies of the effects of ginko biloba on tinnitus show conflicting evidence of its usefulness.
Taking dietary supplements in addition to herbal treatments for tinnitus can help relieve ringing in the ears. Tinnitus may be linked to a B12 or magnesium deficiency, and nutritional supplements may improve tinnitus. A study at Chaim-Sheba Medical Center in 1993 found significant improvement in tinnitus after B-vitamin therapy. Consuming caffeine and alcohol can contribute to magnesium deficiency, so avoid these substances if you have ringing in the ears. Salicylate, which is linked to tinnitus, is an active ingredient in aspirin, and is found in common foods such as apples, grapes, tomatoes, and oranges. Decreasing your consumption of salicylates may also help improve ringing in your ears.
According to Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad, tinnitus is caused by an aggravation of Vata dosha, which means that you could possibly remedy the condition by eating heavier, more grounding foods and relaxing your mind. Lad also recommends drinking a mixture of comfrey, cinnamon and chamomile, rubbing sesame oil behind the ear and using garlic oil drops inside the ear as natural treatments for ringing in the ears.