Herbal Medicine for Asthma
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea is one of the most common and simple ways to use herbs in the treatment of asthma. Chamomile, nettle and elderberry are typical herbs to brew as a tea. Chamomile is an antihistamine, nettle aids in respiratory problems, and elderberry is a nasal decongestant, which assists in opening bronchial passages. Drink one to two cups of the tea twice a day.
Cloves and green tea are also a noted remedy for asthma. For clove tea, boil four to five cloves in 125 ml of water and add 1 tsp. of honey to the mixture. Drink the tea two to three times a day. Green tea is an antioxidant and helps to open bronchial passages. Fill a teapot with hot but not boiling water, and add 3 tsp. of green tea. Drink two to three cups daily.
Herbal Steam
Some herbs are more effective as inhalants, which can be administered through steam. Add sage, thyme and caraway seeds to boiling water to produce a herbal steam. Essential oil of juniper is also good as an inhalant. These herbs open bronchial passages and reduce other allergen factors, such as nasal congestion, that contribute to asthma.
Add the herbs to six cups of boiling water. Once the steam is going, use a towel to cover your head and the steam vessel while you breathe deeply over it; do this for 15 minutes or until symptoms lessen. The steam can be quite hot, so adjust face level as necessary.