How to Combat Adrenal Fatique Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Stress management plan
- Supplements and herbs
Develop a Healthy Diet
Eat a healthy diet. Adrenal fatigue can be affected by dietary habits. Physical exhaustion is generally helped with healthy, natural foods that are rich in vitamins. Managing blood sugar levels with a regulated, balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of water, vegetables and fruits can be helpful in eliminating adrenal fatigue. Diets that include fish, poultry, whole grain breads, bran, berries and green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are advised.
Eliminate unhealthy foods. Sugar and simple carbs like pastry, candy and baked goods should be eaten sparingly. Consuming caffeinated drinks such as coffee, soda and taking products with caffeine can serve to overstimulate and wear out the adrenals, resulting in more loss of energy and fatigue. The same holds true for high fat, fried foods.
Manage stress. Finding relief from stress usually helps any health condition. Adrenal fatigue is particularly connected to stress. Incorporating time to relax, and participating in gentle exercise routines such as yoga, stretching and walking can relieve stress. Drinking chamomile tea and resting when tired, taking hot baths and experimenting with aromatherapy have all been shown to be beneficial for stress relief. Deep breathing techniques and meditation and spending time with a pet can also serve to diminish stress.
Add vitamins to your diet. A multivitamin or individual vitamins such as Vitamin C (2,000-4,000 mg/day sustained release), with bioflavonoids, Vitamin E w/mixed tocopherols (800 IU/day), Vitamin B100 Complex, Liquid Trace Minerals, Free-Form Amino Acids, Proline (500 mg daily), Niacin (125 to 150 mg/day)--as inositol hexaniacinate. Pyridoxine B6 (150 mg/day), Pantothenic Acid B5 (1200-1500 mg/day), Magnesium Citrate (400-1200 mg) and Adrenal Glandular can be very helpful.
Incorporate herbal supplements into your routine to help with adrenal fatigue. Cordyceps, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, eleuthero root or Siberian ginseng have been used to stimulate and nourish adrenal glands and reduce stress.
Try hormones to lower adrenal fatigue. DHEA is a basic adrenal hormone that converts into other hormones. Pregnenolone is a precursor to many adrenal gland hormones. Pregnenolone and Progesterone Cream is a building block for hormones such as estrogen, cortisol, testosterone and DHEA. Get your levels of these hormones measured to determine the proper dose.