When to Apply Progesterone Cream?
Starting Progesterone and Ovulation
Determine the day on which ovulation occurs. This can be done by monitoring fertility signs such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus and position, an ovulation predictor kit or confirmed by an ultrasound performed by a doctor. Begin using progesterone cream on the day of ovulation.
One method of determining ovulation is by monitoring basal body temperature. This is done by use of a sensitive basal body temperature thermometer and taking a temperature reading upon waking each morning, before getting out of bed. Tracking this temperature will show a thermal shift, or rise in temperature, on the day of ovulation.
Using an ovulation predictor kit detects the surge of luteinizing hormone in the urine which signals the start of ovulation. The kit is used every day beginning a few days before suspected ovulation; women with long cycles will need to begin testing later than women with shorter cycles. Once a positive result occurs, ovulation will happen shortly.
Monitoring cervical signs is a natural way to determine when ovulation occurs. When the cervix is at the highest, softest and most open, this is a sign of ovulation. The cervical mucus will be abundant, clear and stretchy with a consistency similar to egg whites. When these signs occur, ovulation is impending.
Using Progesterone
Continue using progesterone cream for 14 days or until the day before your next expected menstrual period. Withdrawal from the cream will signal the uterine lining to shed, causing menstruation to begin. Continuing to use the cream beyond the expected menstruation date will delay menstruation. This extension of the luteal phase can allow a fertilized egg more time to implant in the uterine lining. If you become pregnant, discuss continuing the cream with your doctor, if progesterone levels drop, this can cause a miscarriage.
If you are using cream without a menstrual cycle, such as for menopause treatment, begin applying the cream on the day of your choice. Continue use for 25 to 28 days.