Home Remedies for Hook Worms, Round Worms & Whip Worms
Drink 6 fl. oz. of pure pomegranate juice three times a day with one hour in between each drink. Pomegranate juice is poisonous to the worms. If you are treating a child, reduce the amount of pomegranate juice consumption to 2 fl. oz.
Cloves & Garlic
Eat 1/2 tbsp. of cloves with every meal. Cloves will help kill the parasite(s) eggs present in your intestinal tract. Garlic will also help expel the words. Grind a small garlic into a paste and eat the paste each day with your breakfast.
Ground a tablespoon of fresh coconut into a oil and drink it. Three hours later, mix well and drink 2 fl. oz. of Castor oil and 13 fl. oz. of lukewarm milk. Repeat this remedy until the parasite(s) have been expelled from your body.
If you like the taste of papaya, mix 1 tbsp. of unripe papaya juice, 1 tbsp. of honey and 4 tbsps. of hot water in a large glass. Stir the mixture and drink. Try it for two days.
Fenugreek Seeds
Take a 1/2 tsp. of powdered fenugreek seeds, also known as dana methi, mixed in a glass of cold water. Repeat this remedy until the parasite(s) have been expelled from your body--usually within one week.
Follow Up Care
You will want to visit your doctor after taking a home remedy to make sure your body is cleared of the parasitic infection. Once the infection is clear, take measures to protect yourself from future infections. Do not consume half-cooked or raw foods, or foods that have been dropped on the ground or floor. Avoid touching animal or human feces, make sure your living conditions are clean and practice proper hygiene.