Natural Methods for Controlling Gout
Diet Changes
Since gout flare-ups have been linked to high purine intake, individuals who are prone to gout attacks should stay away from foods such as anchovies and liver. The uric acid crystals which build up in joints and can cause inflammation can be swept from the body more easily if you increase your water intake to at least eight glasses each day. Other factors linked to gout attacks are excessive alcohol intake and having high blood pressure, so you should definitely try to keep your blood pressure within normal limits and minimize alcohol use.
Herbal Supplements
Since the problem of accumulating uric acid does not happen overnight, but rather over a long period of time, any supplementation should be on a long-term basis. One herb that has been found to be helpful at the onset of an acute attack of gout is bromelain, which is found in pineapple. This can also be taken in capsule form. Naturopaths usually recommend taking 400-500 mg per day on an empty stomach. When taken with food, bromelain acts as a digestive enzyme, so without food you will get the most benefit from it acting as an anti-inflammatory when you are suffering a gout attack.
Quercetin is a useful supplement that should be included in your daily regimen if you suffer from gout. In addition to being a natural anti-inflammatory, it can reduce the production of uric acid and possibly eliminate the attack altogether. It is usually recommended in dosages of 250 mg up to four times daily.
Nettle is an herb which can be taken internally as well as used topically in a cream. The nettle can aid in the elimination of uric acid. It can be taken in the form of freeze dried extract at a dosage of 300-600 mg daily. If taking nettle in tincture form make sure that your tincture is not alcohol based since you should be avoiding alcohol use. Cream preparations can be purchased from reputable health food stores and used topically during an acute gout episode.