Natural Way to Get Rid of Ringworm
Do not share items that come in contact with the body, such as towels or clothing. Ringworm hides in fabrics, especially those that come in contact with moisture. Try to keep all areas of the house free of moisture. If you live or work in an area with a communal shower, always put on some sort of footwear in the shower and bathroom to prevent infection. Always keep the body clean and dry.
Iodine and Bleach
Use iodine or bleach to clear up ringworm. Wet a cotton swab in iodine or slightly diluted bleach. Rub the cotton swab against the infected area. Use iodine if you are allergic or susceptible to bleach burns. Apply the iodine or bleach to the infected area until the infection clears up. If you know of an infected area in the house, clean the area with bleach to kill any ringworm spores.
Natural Oils and Extracts
Use natural oils and extracts to clear up ringworm. Use grape seed extract by rubbing it against the infected area, and then cover with a bandage or breathable cotton patch. The grape seed extract, if not diluted slightly, may irritate the skin slightly.
Rub tea tree oil onto the infection to dry it out and clear up the infection. If the tea tree oil itches, mix it with some coconut or olive oil.
Rub vinegar into the skin a few times a day to clear up the fungus.
Mix sea salt or Epson salts in your bath water. This helps dry out the areas of the infection, removing the ringworm from the body.