Home Remedy for Clearing Lungs
Pneumonia Remedy
Pneumonia can cause the lungs to be filled with fluids that make it difficult to breathe. The website EasyHomeRemedy.com specifies fenugreek is an excellent herb to help clear the lungs when pneumonia is setting in. Fenugreek tea is most useful in the early stages of pneumonia and can help promote perspiration, which enables the body to rid itself of toxins and shorten the duration of fever. Drink a tea of 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds steeped in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea and add lemon to improve the flavor, if desired. You can have three to four cups of this tea each day and it is most beneficial if you undergo a period of fasting from food while drinking the tea.
Smoker's Remedy
Smoking tobacco can wreak havoc on the lungs. The chemicals and tar in cigarettes can adhere to lung tissue making it extremely difficult for the lungs to perform their job of gas exchange for the body. According to naturopath, Dr Elise Wright, there are several herbs that aid the lungs in expelling the tar and chemicals that cigarette smoke deposits there. You can mix together equal parts of uva ursi, mullein and colts foot. Keep this in a jar or other airtight container and drink tea made from this mixture two times each day. Make a cup of tea by steeping 1 tsp. of the mixture in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. This tea sometimes works aggressively to cleanse the lungs and, in doing so, may cause users to expel the tar that has been deposited in the lungs by throwing up a black substance.
Help from the Kitchen
Garlic and thyme are listed as great herbs to use for disinfecting the bronchial tubes in the lung passages, according to vitaminstohealth.com. This is a website about healthy supplementation. Garlic helps the immune system overall and is an excellent remedy for the lungs. Garlic has antimicrobial properties and drinking a tea from a fresh garlic clove, honey and lemon juice can help with bronchial infections. Thyme is another herb that is found in the kitchen and works not only as an expectorant, but helps to calm the bronchial passages. Thyme helps mostly with dry, asthmatic coughs and is not really used for bronchitis. You can take thyme by drinking a tea made from steeping several teaspoons in boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes and adding lemon juice and honey to taste.