Remedy for a Dry, Ticklish Cough
Dry vs. Chesty
A dry cough is distinguished from chesty coughs because there is no benefit of removing mucous from the body as with a chesty cough. Therefore, the differentiation between the two that is most noticeable is the lack of phlegm.
Things to Try
To help fight the tickling feeling in your throat you want to keep your head elevated whenever you're lying down, by doing this, you sinuses as well as your nasal passages will be able to drain. Be sure to avoid chemical irritants as much as possible. If you're a smoker, you'll want to stay away from smoking yourself and being around second hand smoke. Common household products, such as cleaning products, are also extremely irritating and should not be used while you have the symptoms of a dry cough as they will aggravate your state. Avoid drinking cold drinks and opt for warm liquids and foods. For dry coughs, using a humidifier or inhaling steam can help ease your symptoms.
Natural Remedies
One method to sooth a dry, ticklish cough is to mix about 1 tbls. of natural honey into a glass of hot water and to sip throughout the day. If your dry cough is due to allergies, try using a locally bottled honey because it can boost your immunity to the allergens in your area. Steeping certain herbs in hot water to make tea is particularly beneficial. Among those with the best results for soothing dry cough are red clover, wild cherry bark and slippery elm. If you can't find these herbs at your local health food store, you'll be sure to find them online. If you have tried the above solutions and your cough has persisted for more than several days showing no signs of improvement or is followed by other serious symptoms, such as a fever, rash or feelings of nausea, be sure to consult your medical doctor immediately, It could indicate that the cough is linked to a more serious condition and should be evaluated more closely.