What Is a Vegetarian Cordyceps?
Indigenous to the high altitudes of China, Nepal and Tibet, cordyceps grows on caterpillars, insects, plants, and other fungi. Vegetarian cordyceps is grown in a controlled environment on grain and not insects, making it completely vegetarian.
Cordyceps medicinal properties were discovered more than 1500 years ago when Himalayan yak herders noticed their animals became energetic when eating what appeared to be mushroom stalks.
Vegetarian cordyceps provides all the same benefits of the traditional supplement, including increased energy, improved immune system health and resistance to aging. It can be used to treat asthma, bronchitis, Hepatitis B, high cholesterol, liver disease, kidney problems and sexual dysfunction.
Vegetarian cordyceps is guaranteed free of insects. However, its use may cause some mild side effects, including dry mouth, nausea, lightheadedness and loss of appetite.
Cordyceps is often mistakenly referred to as a mushroom. In reality, cordyceps is an Ascomycetes fungi.
Those with allergies to mold or fungi should not take cordyceps.