How to Control ADHD Without Medication
Participate in behavioral therapies to control the symptoms of ADHD. Talk with those closest to you, and help them understand your symptoms and what they can do to help. According to The Healing Center On-Line, an organization associated with the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, being rewarded and encouraged when you overcome your ADHD and exhibit a positive trait or behavior can help reduce your symptoms. Behavioral management involves increasing your self-worth by gaining recognition and approval from others and improving your concentration level by performing activities you enjoy.
Avoiding certain foods can help you control your ADHD symptoms. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, people with ADHD should avoid or possibly eliminate artificial colorings, especially red, yellow, and green; chemical additives such as BHT and BHA; dairy products; processed or refined foods; eggs; chocolate; and white flour. Foods that contain salicylates should also be limited or avoided. These include berries, apples, cloves, grapes, oranges, bell peppers, chili pepper and powder, prunes, plums, and tomatoes. Eliminating dairy products from your diet may be essential in controlling your ADHD. According to Sharper Mind Centers allergies and sensitivities to dairy may cause your ADHD symptoms--If you're allergic or sensitive to dairy products, your body will form antibodies against milk protein that destroy insulin-producing cells and lead to ADHD symptoms. The main benefit of dairy, calcium, can be replaced by adding green leafy vegetables, soy based drinks and calcium-enriched orange juice to your diet.
Adding certain foods to your diet can also help control your ADHD symptoms. Sharper Mind Centers suggests eating more whole grain foods. The Healing Center On-Line suggests balancing the amount of carbohydrates and proteins you eat by incorporating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adding omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed, to your diet and taking a zinc supplement.
Incorporate herbal supplements into your diet. Herbs that can help control ADHD symptoms, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, include ginkgo biloba, panax ginseng, melatonin, St. John s wort and pine bark extract. These can be found at any health food store and at most major grocery chains.
Boost your mood with daily massage therapy. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that massage therapy can increase happiness, reduce fidgeting and hyperactivity, and help with concentration. The center also recommends relaxation training, meditation and music therapy to control ADHD symptoms. These types of treatments should be used to manage your symptoms, not to cure the underlying disorder.