Herbal Cure for a Runny Nose
At the first sign of a sniffle, make yourself a cup of hot tea. The steam from the drink will help to thin nasal secretions which reduces the risk of developing more sever infections of the ears or sinus cavities. Any form of herbal tea will help, but chamomile is particularly useful in this situation. According to the Daily News Central, recent studies in the UK indicate a strong connection between chamomile and relief from the symptoms of the common cold, including runny nose. Chamomile contains chemicals which act as anti-inflammatory agents, reducing the swelling of the nasal tissues. Chamomile also functions as a natural anti-histamine and an anti-oxidant, helping to combat post nasal drip while bolstering immune system function. Repeat every four hours throughout the course of the day.
If you suffer from a ragweed allergy, do not drink chamomile tea, as it could cause an allergic reaction. You can, however, still benefit from other herbal teas.
Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in commercial cold remedies, adding a distinctive aroma to everything from chest rub to cough drops. The vapors from the oil act as an expectorant and decongestant, helping to thin secretions and open nasal passages, easing breathing and relieving congestion throughout the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus oil can be taken in capsule form or added to beverages, such as tea, and ingested. Alternatively, a few drops of the oil can be added to a tub of boiling water. The scented steam can then be inhaled, causing the mucous membranes to shrink and promoting drainage of the sinus cavities.
Ginger is a popular and effective treatment for runny noses and colds. Chew on a small, peeled piece of raw ginger root or coat a spoonful of grated ginger with honey to make it more palatable. Once ingested, the enzymes in the ginger will work to increase circulation throughout the body, reducing inflammation and swelling while improving drainage of the nasal passages. Alternatively, make a cup of ginger tea by adding a chunk of peeled ginger to two cups of boiling water and allowing it to boil for 10 minutes. Remove the ginger, sweeten to taste and drink. Repeat these treatments three to four times a day until your nose stops running.