Japanese Herbs for High Blood Sugar
Although it grows well in the southern U.S., kudzu is native to southern Japan. It is a hearty vine that grows over other vegetation or anything that is in its path and has many medicinal uses, chief among them is its ability to lower blood sugar. However, kudzu taken in too large of a dose can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Green Tea
Green tea, originally from Japan, lowers blood sugar. The Japanese typically drink about three cups of this tea a day, but up to 10 cups a day must be consumed to cause a reduction in blood sugar levels.
Japanese Sweet Potato
Japanese sweet potato has been referred to as an anti-diabetic food because it keeps blood sugar stabilized. Herbalextractsplus.com markets Japanese sweet potato in capsule form, trumpeting that "it lowers insulin resistance, which is caused when cells don't respond to the insulin hormone. Insulin is thought to act as a key to unlock the cell in order to allow sugar to pass from the blood into the cell. The heavy concentration of carotenoids in Japanese sweet potato is thought to be inversely associated with insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels and it is said to show unique healing properties in the area of blood sugar control, particularly when ingesting carbohydrates---without causing glucose fluctuations."
Stevia (an herb sweeter than sugar) has been used to treat blood sugar levels and has a beneficial effect on glucose tolerance. In Japan, this herb is sometimes referred to as "sweet leaf" and is often used as a substitute for sugar.
Your Doctor
Let your doctor know about the herbs and natural remedies you plan to use to avoid an adverse interaction with any medications you are taking.